Para chegar a Georgetown, capital da Guiana, por terra, é possível ir de onibus de Boa Vista (Roraima) até a fronteira (rio Takutu) com a Guiana (duas horas de onibus). De lá, Lethem, pode pegar outro onibus ou algum transporte alternativo (vans). A viagem de Lethem a Georgetown dura em torno de 12 horas, podendo ser prolongada para dois dias devido as péssimas condições da estrada e pontes. Porém é uma viagem maravilhosa, passando por entre a reserva amazônica (Iwokrama Forest). Para os que não gostam tanto de aventura é possível ir de avião de Lethem a Georgetown. Guiana é um país procurado e conhecido por aventureiros e amantes da natureza, tanto assim, que o livro "O mundo perdido" (The Lost World) de Conan Doyle foi inspirado na Guiana.
Guyana is a country little known because of not having a significant economic influence in the global context. The economy is based primarily on agriculture (rice and sugar) and minerals (gold). Since it is watered by big rivers (Demerara, Essequibo and others) fishing also plays an important role in the economy. Its population is 752,940, largely concentrated on the coast. The interior is sparsely populated. Who inhabits the savannahs and mountains are many Guyanese indigenous people, such as Wapishana, Macushi, Patamona, Wai Wai, Arawak, Akawaio, Carib and Arekuna. Among all these people I had the opportunity to meet more closely the Wapishana and Macushi. They are concentrated in Region 9, Rupununi, which is the biggest geographic region.
To get to Georgetown, Guyana's capital, by land, you can go by bus from Boa Vista (Roraima) to the border (Takutu river) with Guyana (two hours by bus). From there, Lethem, you can catch another bus or some alternative transportation. The trip from Lethem to Georgetown takes about 12 hours and can be extended for two days due to bad road conditions and bridges. But it is a wonderful journey, passing through the Amazon Rainforest (Iwokrama Forest). For those who do not like so much adventure they can go by plane from Lethem to Georgetown . Guyana is a country known and sought by adventurers and nature lovers, so much that the book "The Lost World" was inspired by Conan Doyle in Guyana.
Catedral Anglicana São Jorge (mais alta construção em madeira do mundo) Saint George's Anglican Cathedral (tallest wooden building in the world) |
Culto Hindu Hindu Worship |
Ferramenta imprescindível Indispensable tool |
Árvore caída na estrada Fallen tree on the road |
Rio Kurupukari Kurupukari river |
Ferry |
Uma das 28 pontes entre Lethem e Georgetown One of the 28 bridges between Lethem and Georgetown |
Crianças jogando cricket Children playing cricket |
Balsa no rio Demerara Demerara River Ferry |
Demerara |
Feirinha Market |
Crianças de Berbice Berbice's children |
Família de Barbice Barbice's family |
Criança na praia (Georgetown) Child on the coast |